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Rules and Regulations


These Rules and Regulations have been adopted by the Mechanicsburg Schoolhouse Condominium Association (“MSCA”) in accordance with Section 17(B)(9) of the Declaration of the School House Condominium to promote the safety and welfare of residents and Unit Owners and to develop and maintain an atmosphere of harmony and an exceptional quality of life.

In establishing and maintaining the Rules and Regulations, MSCA shall make every effort to ensure that they do not affect unit owners’ right to the enjoyment of reasonable and unimpeded use of their property.

These Rules and Regulations shall apply to all unit owners, their residents, family members, occupants, agents, visitors and, guests. It shall be the responsibility of all owners and residents to supervise their guests and visitors at all times to ensure that they follow these Rules and Regulations.

The Rules and Regulations shall be enforced by MSCA in accordance with the Condominium Documents as defined by the Declaration of the School House Condominium.

These Rules and Regulations may be modified or amended at any time by MSCA and the MSCA Executive Board in accordance with the Condominium Documents when deemed necessary in the best interest of unit owners, residents and community.

Summary of Section 17 of the Declaration of the School House Condominium

  1. Each Unit is intended to be, and shall be, used as a private residence only. Any other use of the Unit incidental to the principal use of a Unit as a residence shall be permitted only with the prior written consent of the Association and where permitted by law.
  2. Unit Owners and/or residents shall not use, permit, or allow the Unit or any part thereof to be used for an offensive or unlawful purpose. They shall not permit or allow any nuisance within the Unit and they shall not use or allow the Unit to be used in a manner which unreasonably interferes with the peaceful possession, enjoyment and proper use of the Property by other Unit Owners or residents.
  3. No Unit Owner may lease less than the entire Unit, and no lease shall be for less than one month. All leases shall be in writing and shall provide the terms thereof and shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of the Declaration of the School House Condominium, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. 
  4. No units may be owned in time-share estates as defined in Section 3403(a) of the Act.
  5. Except as a temporary arrangement, Unit Owners are not permitted to install any air conditioning unit in the window of any Unit.
  6. Satellite dishes are permitted as long as they are out of the public view. Prior written consent of the Association must be obtained prior to the installation of a satellite dish.
  7. No more than three adults may occupy any Unit.
  8. No clothes, sheets, blankets, laundry of any kind or any other articles shall be hung or exposed on any part of the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements.

Common Courtesy

  1. Residents must bag all trash and dispose in trash rooms or down trash chutes provided.
  2. Residents shall keep noise levels reasonable at all times. If there will be extended construction, residents will notify the MSCA Executive Board so residents can be notified in advance.
  3. Unit Owners and/or residents, visitors, guests will limit activities that are known to cause excessive noise during the hours of 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. (e.g. vacuuming, construction)
  4. Smoking restrictions for Common Elements and Limited Common Elements: Smoking will be allowed only in Common Areas where there is an ash/cigarette butt receptacle and that is designated by MSCA as a Common Smoking Area. In the Common Smoking Areas, smokers will ensure that all smoking materials are extinguished and put in the receptacles. Smokers (Unit Owners, guests, visitors, lessees, residents) will ensure that smoke will not encroach on Common Areas or Units.


  1. Each Unit Owner has one assigned parking space. Unit Owners must ensure that their residents, family members, occupants, agents, visitors and, guests do not park in spaces assigned to other units. 
  2. Unit Owners and residents must ensure that their family members, occupants, agents, visitors do not block the space of other Owners.
  3. Parking is not allowed on grass or sidewalks.


  1. Unit Owners and residents are limited to a maximum of two cats or one dog and one cat, per unit. No other pets are permitted without prior written permission of MSCA Executive Board.
  2. All pets must be current on all required immunizations.
  3. Unit Owners are responsible for their pets at all times. 
  4. If a pet causes any physical damage to any Common Element or Limited Common Element, as defined in the Condominium Documents the Unit Owner shall be responsible for the cost of repairs as determined by the Building Manager and the MSCA Executive Board.
  5. Unit Owners may not allow renters who are leasing a Unit to house a dog.
  6. Dog Owner Requirements:
  7. Each Unit owner housing a dog in a Unit shall be charged an additional monthly assessment of fifteen dollars ($15.00).
  8. Each Unit owner shall be required to register their dog with the MSCA annually, providing all information required on the MSCA’s approved that you may download here. The form can be submitted via or via the Communication Box in the lobby by the mail room.
  9. Unit Owners shall provide the MSCA Executive Board with evidence of all required state and local animal registration, licensing and immunizations.
  10. No dogs that weigh over thirty (30) pounds shall be permitted in a Unit, on the Common Elements, or on the Limited Common Elements. 
  11. Unit Owners may be required to provide documentation regarding weight from a Pennsylvania licensed veterinarian.
  12. The cost for providing documentation under either subsection (b), subsection (c) or subsection (e) shall be borne solely by the Unit owner.
  13. Refusal of a Unit owner to provide the documentation required in subsections (c) shall result in a determination by the MSCA Executive Board and Unit Owners will be fined according to the MSCA Schedule of Fines. 
  14. No dogs shall be allowed to make an unreasonable amount of noise or become a nuisance.
  15. All dogs shall be maintained on a leash at all times when on Common Elements or Limited Common Elements.
  16. Dog owners shall promptly remove and dispose of dog feces from Common Elements and Limited Common Elements.
  17. Registered service dogs, irrespective of weight or breed, may be permitted, provided that they are registered with a nationally accredited service organization.

Rules and Regulations Violations Schedule of Fines 

This Schedule of Fines has been created by the MSCA Executive Board to encourage compliance with the Rules and Regulations and to ensure fair and equitable resolution to Rules and Regulation infractions. Be assured that the Executive Board does not want these to be punitive but are concerned with measures the MSCA and Executive Board can officially take to promote the safety and welfare of residents and Unit Owners and to develop and maintain an atmosphere of harmony.

First OffenceWarning Letter
Warning Letter will include specific Regulation and Rule noncompliance and time frame to bring into compliance if needed.

Second Offence: $25.00

Third Offence: $50.00

Continuous Violations:  Continuous violations: $100.00 with maximum of $1,000.00 per year

You are required to comply within 3 days or amount of time determined by the MSCA Board.